Saturday, July 09, 2011

This is indeed a caption

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Woohoo! the marvel that is the InterWebNet!

I just found my original Radio Userland blog posting here and while doing this StumbleUponI also found my Stumble Upon page

Innit kewl how old pushed pixels never die, they just stay served up somewhere... like a take away chiko roll at the Southern Cross Roadhouse

This is the real Joffa Boy - he's even in Wikipedia! This wonderful sketch comes from the Derham Groves blog
Howdy Doody Mums and Dads and bald-headed babies!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Well, I was inspired to take up the blog again - I admit - by the Social Media workshop, and to prove it here I am again. For those who have an interest in tailored news feeds, Adobe has a beta site which lets you register (free) & compose a page, (or select from suggestions) a number of RSS feeds. Importantly you can tag the links, or follow others' tage to make choices of news to read. As they say today:
Now serving over 355,000 articlesfrom 8,000 feeds. myFeedz tracks roughly 185,000 tags.
One current news item is from a site I view regularly on my "normal" online feed reader (Netvibes)*; this is Robin Good's site . The new article is "Content media trends and future directions for online media publishing: What's ahead?"; this may be of interest... *being an inveterate dabbler, I also use Google Reader and Bloglines as well as a USB-mounted application (the excellent freebie FeedReader). When you gather a collection of feeds and it gets to be larger than a dozen or so - or if you want to access feeds from different online apps - it's worth using a reader like FeedReader (or Bloglines, etc) which can import & export OPML files. See the Wikipedia definition of OPML for more...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Today's workshop Web2.0, social media, blogs, podcasts etc. Melcrum workshop featuring Lee (who thinks he has colour blindness - nah don't worry all wives think husbands have no taste in clothes...) Having to post this as 'homework" has reminded me there's a long time since my last post... unfortunately though this blog doesn't retain stuff from my first Blogger blog; when they went Googlified and changed to this much improved interface I stiffed up copying over my old posts as I was tweaking site templates too... :-( Good to have quite a few of my understandings/thinking about social media & it's value confirmed, although I dunno that Lee saying this stuff's "meant" for 20-somethings is necessarily true.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Artificial - It's Snot

Researchers at the University of Warwick and Leicester University have used an artificial snot (nasal mucus) to significantly enhance the performance of electronic noses.

Powered by ScribeFire.

Today's finds It’s a website featuring pictures of people captured while shaking their heads back and forth really fast.

Powered by ScribeFire.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Well here's a photo for you

Have you seen enough?

photos 4 u

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Yowza - it's been a while ...

Wednesday, July 19, 2000

This is the first post on my Blogger Blog. 'Nuff said! Update: well actually I did have a Blogger version 1 blog, but it got evaporated when this new interface came in... before that I had a Radio Userland blog After the free trial ran out I did too...